Thursday, June 8

Co-op meeting tonight

We met at Paneras in Clintonville tonight, and it was pretty cool.  We're showing continuing progress, though we still have many differing ideas about what the co-op should be about, including the question about our structure including just biodiesel, or other alternative fuels (ethanol, for instance).  But, it's all good... this is part of the process to flush out precisely those things we will do, those things we might do, and those things we absolutely won't do.  One great positive note is that we agreed on the logo, so I can at least print up business cards to hand to carwash owners when I'm asking for drums, and we can get a minimalistic website started.

I found three free drum suppliers tonight who will save drums for me, so it looks like I will soon have more than enough drums and carboys to produce in earnest.

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