Friday, August 25
Bullwinkle and Biodiesel
As Bullwinkle often said to Rocky, after pulling a lion out of his hat instead of a rabbit,"Oops! Don't know my own strength!" I was tightening a fitting when assembling my biodiesel processor, and was really torquing down a ball valve, and there was very little clearance on the near end where it was being attached to a pipe nipple, so I started wrenching on the other end, really tightening it up. I remembered today why it is that you don't tighten a brass fitting on the end away from where you're attaching it, as you can see from the 1" ball valve to the right. I superimposed a circle on the photo, so you'd notice that the fitting will no longer fit. Trashed another fitting, but I'm really glad I only paid $2 for the valves, instead of the full retail $14.